Who are we?

We are a group of EV enthusiasts from Amazon, IIT, MIT;Manipal and Oorjan that realised existing charging and swapping protocols are inefficient, fraught with security risks and unable to scale for the growing EV demand in India. With the combined experience of 20+ years in internet protocols and EV charging, we all decided to come together to simplify energy transaction experiences for India. Below are the key questions we strive to answer in the simplest manner possible.

While simplicity is a theme we adopt as we build solutions, we also laid out a set of guiding principles (Tenets) for our team. They help each one of us ensure that every product decision we take as a group honour these key tenets.

Key Tenets For Pulse Energy

  1. Facilitator, not an operator: Our solution facilitates value to flow from one end of the chain to another, adding value to all stakeholders.
  2. Decentralized: Technology should be a catalyst, not a gatekeeper. Instead of concentrating power with one particular or a handful of participants. It should ensure the decentralization of facilities and control.
  3. Interoperable: It should prompt and make provision for interoperability to ensure value derived by the participants is not locked in a particular platform. This, in turn, liberates the members.

Our Mission

Accelerate India’s journey to an EV first nation by building value catalysts for both energy suppliers and consumers

Our Key Performance Indicators

Total Energy Transactions Processed YTD 20MW+
Total Charge Point Operators Partnered with YTD 7 out of 35
Total number of chargers Pulse Energy is connected to or has access to 13,540
(12,821 AC chargers + 719 DC chargers)

Do you have space for more? At the moment we are looking for an excellent react native engineer to join our mission. We spend hours thinking about the problems we look to solve and the designs we put in front of our users. If you like to be involved in the next billion dollar opportunity from India, then drop us a note at [email protected]

Contact us at [email protected]

Built by Pulse Energy Technologies Private Limited